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The image symbol of the project “THE DREAM OF ANTIGONE”.


The Dream of Antigone :: Performance Art in Greece between the 70’s and today“. Information brochure on the exhibition that took place in the frame of the third VENICE INTERNATIONAL PERFORMANCE ART WEEK (VIPAW), and on which a book/catalog will be published with the same title. The exhibition was organized by [mind the] G.A.P-Gathering Around Performance and curated by Francesco Kiais.

Courses on Performance Art (Summary), given as an external collaborator in the postgraduate program of the Ionian University for the second half of 2017.

Review on “THE DREAM OF ANTIGONE :: Performance Art in Greece between the 70’s and today” on Art Monthly.


“THE DREAM OF ANTIGONE”. Essay on “Fragile Body – Material Body” published in the book of the 3rd VIPAW.

Democracy, Public Space and Performance. Lecture. Benaki Museum as part of the [OUT] TOPIAS Performances exhibition and outdoor/public space (at min 64.52 in the video).

PATINA. Text, written for the film “PATINA” by BBB Johannes Deimling and Monika Sobczak.

The Live Art Almanac, Volume 4. A publication by LADA (Live Art Development Agency) and Oberon Books, 2016. Eds. by Harriet Curtis, Lois Keidan and Aaron Wright ISBN: 978-1783193226.

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Text. “RE-COR-DARE. Re-give-heart “. From the lecture given at the Acropolis Museum in 2015 for PAS – PERFORMANCE ART STUDIES # 38: Places of Duration.

WE ARE THE NATIVES. Text published by EXNunc, an online magazine dealing with Performance Art on an international level.


SOCIAL CARNAL LOVE – The Intermediary Body and the Polis”. Text in the catalogue of the 2nd Venice International Performance Art Week.

THE BOOK. This book has been realized as a result of “Critical Reflections” #37 PAS | Performance Art Studies, that took place as part of the second VIPAW Educational Learning Program, and in which I participated, invited as a Guest Teacher. Venice 2014.

HEROSTRAT. Text on the performance held by BBB Johannes Deimling and Andreas Pashias, which took place at Beton7, in the frame of the “v_ideas, performances” Festival, curated by Demostenes Agrafiotis, Athens 2014.


IN-BETWEEN. Text. Revista Perforarte, an online magazine dedicated to Performance Art and published in Mexico.

INTERVIEW given to Karolina Lambrou in the frame of the 1st Cyprus International Performance Art Festival.


INTERVIEW given to Chiara Cartuccia on the 1st ‘VIPAW. F.KIAIS_INTERWIEW_C.CARTUCCIA_1stVIPAW2012

“Unstable Harmonies or On the Hybridization of God.” Essay on the theme of the 1st ‘VIPAW “Hybrid Body – Poetic Body”, published in the first VIPAW catalogue.

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